Nursing Bras 101
Congratulations on welcoming your new addition into your family!
There are so many exciting changes during this time and you're going to be learning so many things - let us make finding a nursing bra easy for you!
We're not sure if you've already heard but we are BIG fans of finding our customers an incredible fit, and nursing bras are a hidden passion of ours. We understand your body is changing during this time and you may be a little lost on how to find your size, that's where we come in! One of the most common questions we are asked is "When do I need to buy a nursing bra?". The answer is two parts.
If this is your first child, we recommend that you avoid wearing wired bras during the first few weeks of nursing as the wire can press hard on your tender spots which can lead to the development of mastitis. Mastitis is the hardening of the milk ducts and can be caused by a new mom's bra being too tight and/or the wire pressing into the wrong spot and creating a blockage. One thing we discourage is simply "flipping up your band" and resting it on top of your breast as you nurse. This places unecessary pressure on your milk ducts as your milk flows. The pressure can lead to clogs, which can lead to nursing complications or as previously mentioned, mastitis. Wearing a comfort style like a Bravado nursing bra is ideal for the weeks leading up to delivery and the time shortly after. Nursing breasts will change size, shape and density signifcantly during this time - a stretchy bra will be the most comfortable.
As every pregnancy is different, we recommend waiting approximately 4-6 weeks after baby has arrived or once you've established a routine feeding schedule to purchase a structured nursing bra that might include an underwire.
We offer both in-store and virtual fittings so our bra fit specialists can help find you your perfect nursing bra. This is a special time and we want to make it as simple and as comfortable as possible for you.We always recommend checking with your doctor as this is a general guideline and every body is different.
Lastly - feel free to bring your new baby with you for your nursing bra fitting! We love babies and will encourage and support you if you need to take a break for breastfeeding.
Shop all our nursing bras online and in-store at Forever Yours Lingerie.